How Intuitive are You?
I'm asking because I'd truly love to know.
My intuition has long been the main factor in how I make decisions, for good or bad. That's how I knew I had to go to California in June. I could sense that this was going to be one of those life-changing trips that I would one day look back on and cherish as a pivot point in my life. And now that I'm back home, I can already tell that it will be - no question about it.
The beauty of getting out of your element is often what helps you grow as a person, and sometimes taking risks like that goes against all common sense.
Did I know this was going to be an expensive summer? Yes.
Did I know that I would go without much sleep for a couple of weeks? Yes.
Would I miss seeing my immediate family for some time? Of course.
But I knew I had to go.
My intuition has never once failed me, and I trust it so much that I never ignore it. I simply can't.
The decision to spend a couple of weeks in California went against logic and the facts at hand, but in this case, I chose to follow my heart.
And you know what's funny?
When I met some of those new connections and asked them about their career paths, and how they've gotten to where they are today, the resounding answer was "I just followed that little voice inside."
Go figure.
Your intuition must be a part of the equation when you're making decisions, especially on a long-term strategic roadmap.
Far too many hold themselves back because they're afraid to take risks.
...But what is the cost of NOT taking that risk that you're thinking about?
That's the real question, and it's worth answering.