What are You Preparing for?
"Preparation" is a funny word to me.
On most days, I'm like a boy scout: always prepared. 🤣
I guess that's the organizer in me.
That being said, I rarely know what I am preparing for... it's often a bit fuzzy.
There are hints here and there, sure, but nothing concrete.
But then seemingly from out of nowhere, a new opportunity opens up.
And I take it. Every time.
A chance to try something new will bring more insight and learning, so I can't help myself. I have to know what it's going to lead to next.
Sometimes, it can be a little scary, sure, but I do it nonetheless because...
...isn't that how it always is?
Any time you start a new project, you don't know what to expect.
You just have to jump in and figure it out as you go.
You can only prepare for so long. Then you have to "do" something.
Yeah, it can be a little intimidating, but if you don't try, you'll never know.
I think that's why entrepreneurs are so spirited and fearless.
We've seen the same movie play out many times, so we know that things have a way of working themselves out, even if it doesn't always seem like they will.
We just have to have enough trust and belief in ourselves to know that things will be ok.
And that's important.
People who hesitate and question if they can do something, struggle much more with finding the right opportunities.
That's because most opportunities aren't perfect, and it's impossible to know the outcome of something before you begin.
In the spirit of action-taking, we're celebrating seizing all opportunities, small or large, this month.
I've heard far too many clients say that they regret not doing something when they had the chance.
Analysis paralysis doesn't serve anyone, and it holds you back.
"Never hesitate" is what I say.
So you might fail, but what if you succeed?
It'll likely be the latter.
And then what's possible for you?
Whether it's learning a new skill, getting your systems in order, taking on that first client, or just becoming more patient with yourself, it's all about taking that one small step to begin.
If you need help breaking through limiting beliefs, join us in Mindful Monday Mapping where we're discussing Fear of Failure and Fear of Success in the next two months. I'll be extremely productive.
There's never been a better time to start than today, so be brave enough to go for it - whatever "it" is. The confidence will build from there.
When preparation meets the right opportunity, you’re unstoppable, and I can't wait to cheer you on! ✨