It's a powerful word.
But it's an even more powerful action.
We need to unplug and reboot from time to time, just like our devices. Otherwise, we'll freeze up.
Every end-of-year is a natural reset point.
We all know that, especially those of us who work in the organizing and productivity industry.
Most people pause in late December and take inventory of their life.
“Where am I going? How am I doing? and how far have I come?”
All these are valid questions, and having that check-in with yourself is so important.
Any opportunity to reflect is good.
That being said, I’d be doing you a disservice if I didn’t tell you that once a year isn’t enough.
Every January, all of us organizers feel the influx of New Year’s resolutions in the air.
People are excited and engaged to meet their goals.
They commit. But only for a second or two.
Come February, those goals are long forgotten. Motivation is dead. They have officially quit.
And then when December rolls around again, they wonder why they didn’t meet any of those goals.
It’s a fascinating cycle to watch, but also incredibly annoying for me as a Coach.
Needless to day, December was an irritating month for me.
I try not to get too frustrated, but when you observe the same destructive pattern over and over again, one can’t help but sigh aloud.
Many content creators share their annual reviews online, and I enjoy reading them.
However, I feel like there is one unspoken part that nobody talks about…
Those of us who successfully meet our goals check in with ourselves far more often than once a year.
That’s how we accomplish more, and that fact needs to be crystal clear to anyone who needs help with goal-setting.
I’ll say it again. Once a year is not enough.
That’s an all or nothing approach, and it doesn’t work.
I check in with myself once a week, and that works.
When you regularly check in, you sustain motivation, notice the changes, and make progress in a whole different way. You end up actually meeting your goals because they become real.
When you don’t check in often enough, you either forgot what you were doing and don’t many much progress at all, or you travel too far down the wrong road before you notice that you’re off course.
In 2025, I invite you to check in with yourself more often - both in life and in business.
We need reflection routines to anchor ourselves to our goals, and then we need to regularly take small steps in the right direction.
This is what my entire Mindful Monday Mapping framework is based on.
You see, solid decision-making based on both the bigger picture and the data we need ultimately leads you to the outcome you want – guaranteed.
Your destination is your north star, but you need both the compass and the map to find it.
When you utilize both well, you can skillfully navigate life.
With that said, I'd love to hear from you: How often do you check in with yourself?
Hit reply and let me know.